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Emily H.

Charles Luiting

Emily Hinkson

In the 1960’s my great grandma and grandpa bought this tandem bike so they could exercise together. 😍 ⁠⠀

Emily Hinkson Grandparents

We used to ride it around when we visited them as kids until it broke and rusted in a garage for decades. ⁠⠀

Emily Hinkson

This summer, my husband fixed it up and we’ve been taking it on small adventures all summer. 🚲 ⁠⠀

Emily Hinkson

He never got to meet Grandma and Grandpa β€œT” (I seriously miss them every day), so it’s been fun to feel connected with them when we ride this bike. πŸ’›

Emily Hinkson's grandparents inspecting their bike

- Emily Hinkson @emjhink rides a vintage Schwinn tandem bicycle

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