Koen 16in
Available at the following retailers:
Ready, Set, Ride!
The Koen is perfect for learning to ride and having fun. Great for trips to the park, or riding on the sidewalk around the neighborhood with friends and family.

Stopping Power
Includes a rear coaster brake (reverse the pedals to stop) and a front caliper brake (hand-brake like adult bikes); easing the transition to a hand-brake-only bike when they’re ready.

Grows With Your Child
The adjustable saddle, seat post, and slack seat-tube angle make for easy, tool-free adjustments to allow the Schwinn Koen to grow with your child and prepare them for a full-sized bicycle.

Awesome Extras
Comes with removable training wheels, chainguard, and number plate. Plus, the seat handle provides an easy way for parents to tow or store the bike when not in use.
Outsmart Physics
Our SmartStart bikes are an incredible feat of kid-size engineering. From top to bottom, they’re designed to help kids in motion stay in motion.
Learn more.